Thursday, October 9, 2008

A recap

I haven't blogged for over two weeks. The answer why is hidden somewhere in this post. Extra credit to whomever can guess it first. Anyway, this is what we've been doing the past 2 weeks. It sounds much more exciting when you put it all in one big blog. We are really fun people, I promise. Look at all the interesting things we did!

Elise started a really adorable dinosaur stage. I love hearing her say all their names. "Stegosaurus." It cracks me up.
Chloe dropped her morning nap but still refuses to sleep longer than 1 1/2 hours
10k for me two weeks ago (41:05). It was really small and I hate to brag, but I totally beat all of the guys (and girls) in this race by a lot. It was pretty fun.

The girls built a slide in the family room with some help from the big fuzzy red chair.
Ben read lots of CT scans (at least I think that's what he does all day).
Elise refuses to wear pants while at home. Even putting panties on her is something of a struggle.
Chloe came this close to jumping all by herself
Elise stopped napping altogether
Another 10k a week ago (40:26)
Our friend Jenny qualified for Boston!
We watched most of conference. It's hard with 2 squirmy kids so I'm looking forward to reading the talks when they come out.
I made Vietnamese food; it was pretty good.
I held a butterfly at the science museum. It miraculously escaped Chloe's swatting unharmed.
The weather is suddenly perfect for running.
We rode on the carousel at the mall. I wasn't sure if Chloe liked it because she was just kinda starey eyed the whole time, but when we passed it again she ran right up to it. Elise loved it. The whole time she was yelling, "This is fun! Wahoo!" At the end of the ride she climbed off very nicely and said sincerely, "Thank you merry go round."

Chloe's current word of the week: "flower"
Last week's word: "more"

Chloe fell and hit her head approximately 37 times

The girls just keep getting cuter and cuter! Isn't it weird how that happens?


Camilla Millar said...

Good luck figuring out the nap situation. Sounds like H-E- double hockey sticks!

Courtney said...

I'm guessing the thing that's taking all your time is Running. :)

And maybe two little girls who aren't napping much. That really sucks. I'm trying to avoid that for a little while still!

The girls are so cute- can you believe Elise is almost 3? Wow. Seems like they were just born!

JD said...

looks like a lot of fun. tell the girls hi for me.

Kathleen said...

Sounds like fun, and I totally agree that Chloe and Elise are very cute! ;)

The Preece Family said...

Ashley stopped napping too. I never thought that day would end! :( Sounds like you've been busy though! Oh, and thanks for giving my race credit on your blog! I feel so popular! :)

Dinah said...

NICE WORK on your races! I'm so proud of you. I guess you have officially started to train for Boston, right? I'm glad Chloe is saying some words for you, cause Ruby sure isn't. Super cute!