Saturday, December 15, 2007


It's a sad day here in the Paxton house. Elise has discovered The Wiggles. I saw her rocking out to them one day at the daycare at the gym so we decided to get one of their cds for her. Elise has always loved music and dancing around to songs so The Wiggles are great for her. It's her poor parents who are stuck with the songs in their head all day long. Even Ben, Mr. Smashing Pumpkins, can't get these out of his head. If you don't believe how catchy these songs are, watch this video, at your own risk. And if you don't have kids, just don't go there. You wouldn't understand.

This one is her favorite song though the video is nonexistent.


Courtney said...

Oh man, so far we have managed to stay away from The Wiggles...thank goodness. Unfortunately, her obsession with Barney and ELMO are up there with The Wiggles....the songs on Barney are always in my head! It's horrible.

Bruschke said...

Have to sayI have a love hate relationship with the wiggles...mostly hate. Benson got really into them when I was super-sick this pregnancy. They are nauseating without being horribly sick, and let's just say each time I hear anything related to Dorothy the Dinosaur I have to swallow what just came up. It's that bad. But, alas, B loves them, and I am a sacrificing mother of a 2 year old.

Summer Owens said...

I am SO glad the boys are done with the Wiggles phase!

Juli said...

Summer, I like that you just call it a "phase." We'll see how long it lasts here!

Camilla Millar said...

Everytime I cut up fruit, I still feel like singing "fruit salad-yummy, yummy." We haven't watched wiggles for 2 years, either! They really do get stuck.