Saturday, December 15, 2007

Elise to English Translation - by Ben

So, you may find yourself lost and alone with Elise one of these days, and if you use this handy translation guide you should be able to find your way back to civilization. I have no doubt that Elise has as extensive a vocabulary as her friend Addie (, it's just that this translation guide is incomplete. I will continue to update until I know how Elise is saying "Daddy, I'm fourteen," and "it needs new batteries." Elise is much too smart to simply learn English. Instead, she has invented her own language. And we are so proud.
Now, before anyone goes judging, please note that Elise is meeting all of her developmental milestones--she's not showing off, and not falling behind. She's right in the meaty part of the curve (credit: Seinfeld). Besides, she can identify and say her entire alphabet excepting a few letters (see number 12 above). So, take that Addie!!!!


JD said...

umm, i will need copies of this translation sheet to beef up on things before Christmas break. This list was hilarious.

Courtney said...

I love the list. She is very smart, just like her dad! (No, this is not a knock on you Ben!) You should be proud of her!

Where's the love Ben?!

We need her to come and teach Addie her letter recognition!

JD said...

I re-invite you to follow through on your self-invite to guest-blog on mine.