Saturday, August 16, 2008

Elise gets a bob

I cut Elise's hair this morning. It's never been cut before and I've been thinking about doing it for a while because it's always all over her face and she always gets something sticky in it because she is a seriously messy eater. This morning I made waffles and the syrup in last night's freshly washed hair was the last straw. I sat her in front of the TV and told her I was going to cut her hair. She didn't say anything since she was already mesmerized by Elmo so I got right down to it. It was surprisingly easy. First of all, she doesn't have a ton of hair and then it's slightly curly so all unevenness is nicely hidden. A special thanks to Ben for providing the curly hair gene.


The bangs were the first thing I cut. Still watching Elmo.

The resulting carnage

Emd result!

I didn't tell Ben I was going to do it because he was in the middle of a fantasy football draft and I knew he wouldn't have heard me. I sent her in there after it was all done and told her to tell daddy to look at her new haircut. It took him a while to notice, he ignores everyone not just me during drafts, but he was definitely surprised. He says she looks like a different person and I've found myself staring at her all day still trying to adjust to it too. Now if only Chloe had enough hair to warrant a haircut...


Courtney said...

She looks so cute! Addie got her haircut too! Ours wasn't so smooth though- we actually took her to the kiddie place we've been taking her about every 6 months and it was a screamfest! She ended up sitting on my lap while they cut it. HErs was just a trim though!

JD said...

that's not my niece! it's another equally as cute child that looks completely different...

Dinah said...

Nice job on the cut! She looks adorable! Jeremy didn't know who she was when I showed him the final picture. But he's a boy. I think she looks so much older. Don't grow up too fast Elise!!

Dinah said...
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Kathleen said...

Very Jackie Kennedy if you ask me :)
Nicely done

Christa said...

You are a brave woman! Just cutting my boys' hair makes me nervous, and that's knowing that I can just buzz it if things go poorly.