Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beach trip

My whole family came out to visit us last week, my mom and dad, my sister and her family, and my brother. We had lots of fun and it was nice to have everyone come to us instead of making the trek ourselves. We packed up and went to the beach for a few days because Durham, although nice, is not the most exciting vacation spot. The North Carolina coast is beautiful, though unfortunately we went in the middle of a heat wave and Ben and I both about died during one of our runs. Luckily we battled the heat with popsicles and ice cream, and a trip to Dr. Root Beer's Hall of Foam (not as exciting as it should have been). And of course going in the ocean.
Elise didn't love being at the beach as much as we thought she would. I think she was afraid of the waves. We had to leave early the first day because she flipped out once we got to the beach and kept saying, "I need to go home. I need to go home." But Chloe loved it and 1 out of 2 isn't bad these days.
Pics of course, mostly by Uncle Josh because he's the one with the fancy camera.


Courtney said...

Looks like fun! Love the resignation picture of Ben & Elise! You look great Jules!

JD said...

great family vacation. good choices on the pictures.

Dinah said...

Yeah! I'm so glad you had a successful family vacation and they could all come to your neck of the woods. What a rare treat! I wished I could've see your mom as I absolutely love the woman. I love the pictures of the girls at the beach. Since when is Elise scared of the beach. Its not like she didn't just go to Costa Rica recently :)