Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Linguistics 101

It's been a little loud throughout the house lately. Chloe's really trying to show Elise up and have the talking thing down before her 2nd birthday. She's doing pretty well. I can understand about 67% of what comes out of her mouth. But this is only after an intense period of sequestration where I spend all day observing and interacting with her. We call this "welcome to my life."
It helps that almost every sentence starts with "I want ..." and that approximately 88% of what comes out of mouth is "no," especially since it doubles as both yes and no.

Elise got a book of fairy tales from my parents for Christmas and it's just about her favorite book ever. We've read them all a million times already and she talks about them all day long. She's insisted on "porridge" for dinner two days in a row, courtesy of Goldilocks and the three bears, and has started chanting this gem around the house. Watch out all you Englishmen. Elise is on the prowl.


JD said...

that's one of the more awesome things i've seen/heard this week.

jendw said...

Cute. Its the three little pigs/big bad wolf rant I hear over here. "I'll huff, and I'll puff, etc."

Dinah said...

Could you please tell her to quit growing up? I'm missing everything. Very cute!

Unknown said...

no.. definitely the best thing I have seen all week.... don't ever lose that- she is going to love it later!

Courtney said...

That's awesome. Addie will love to watch it. We need to let them chat on Skype or Gmail one day!

Camilla Millar said...

I can understand only about 10% of the things that come out of Rogers mouth and most of that is "Yi-yuh" (Eliza) "nine" (mine) "Ya" (yes) and "no". . . . so, well done Chloe-- you've got my boy beat!