Friday, January 25, 2008

Some sympathy please

I've been pretty busy this week trying to keep track of everything I eat. I look up calorie counts on everything I eat and and then enter it all into a log. It actually gets pretty complicated and time consuming, especially when I cook something myself and have to enter in all the different components. And why am I going to all this trouble? Am I trying to lose weight? Is this a new year's resolution gone wild? Actually, no. I am trying to do the exact opposite. I am on an un-diet. I'm trying to make sure I'm not losing weight.

Now before everyone gets all mad at me, it's not actually as cool as it sounds. Evidently, all my running has a big payoff: it burns lots of calories! But apparently my body needs those calories back for energy or something lame. And not only do I have to make sure I'm getting enough calories, I have to make sure it's healthy calories! No fun at all.

So as you sit there reading this, living your non-Nutritional-Facts-reading-calorie-logging-lives, think of me munching on my apple (1 small, raw, unpeeled = 55 calories) and feel sorry for me. Even just a little bit.


Courtney said...

You are on an un-diet? I'm sorry- no sympathy for that!

JD said...

I've been trying to gain weight, too. eat more protein. drink powder straight from the container if you have to.

JD said...

i just perfected a method for melting the powder into a liquid and getting it into a syringe, ready for injection. i will show you next time i'm down in roanoke.
