Friday, January 25, 2008


I was tagged a few weeks ago by Camilla while we were on vacation to tell 5 things about myself. I put it aside for a while because, hey, I was on vacation, but we have been back for a while and now it's just getting embarrassing that I haven't responded yet. So here goes.

Admission #1: I am a procrastinator. (see example above) I've always put things off a little bit, but it only gets worse when you have kids because you always have a built-in excuse, or at least I like to think I do anyway. And even though I'm not in school or working anymore, I find there are still lots of things I can put off: laundry, emails, any sort of cleaning, cooking dinner, blogging....

#2: I can be a little stubborn. I get it from both my mom and dad so you know it's pretty bad. But I like to think it's that stubbornness that gets me through some of my long runs. And I go on some long runs.

#3: I like to be organized though I have resigned myself to the fact that with 2 kids, this will never truly happen. My one consolation is that after the girls both go to bed I can pick up everything and have a clean house for a few hours until the craziness starts all over again.

#4: For some reason, I remember lots of random facts, causing me to say seriously at various times, "You've never heard of the great vowel shift??", "I wouldn't necessarily call Charles Mingus obscure," or "I can't believe you don't know the name of Lance Armstrong's trainer." Since Ben is usually the recipient of these remarks and he looks at me like I'm crazy when I say them, we have to call in a referee (our friend Brigham) to gauge the obscurity level of what I've said. I usually lose.

#5: I secretly envy all of you out there with minivans, and you know who you are! I know it's not the most fuel efficient or cool thing out there to drive, but have you seen those automatic door openers? Wow. It sure beats throwing both girls into the back of our Mazda Protege any day.

Ok, that's it for me. I am going to tag Dinah, Jenny, Courtney, Christa, and lastly my brother Josh because I'm interested to see where he'll take this.


Courtney said...

Darn. I've gone so long in the blogging world without getting tagged. I'll try to think up some things I can say about myself...but I'm not promising anything.

Camilla Millar said...

I am with you on the procrastinator thing. I've always wanted a minivan, and knew that I had truly 'arrived' when we bought one last year-- we call it the "white knight." Unfortunately, it is the only knight I have ever known (sorry, D, but you've never swept me off my feet, and the van did it the first time I drove on the freeway!)

JD said...

you're on, juli. I didn't want to do this at first, but i'm gonna post one soon.