Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Attack of the Praying Mantis

I know. Enough about the praying mantis. I've written more about this still-unnamed insect than my own kids lately. But there have been some interesting developments to the story. Just as we were about to let the thing go for fear PETA would knock down our door and demand we stop the cruelty, Ben found a cricket outside, something we have on good authority that praying mantises like to eat. He thought it was at least worth a shot and luckily for us he chose to document it. Like in Cloverfield, it's kind of hard to make out what's happening at first, and then, oh yeah, that's the monster and he is totally going to eat you.

Warning: the following pictures contain graphic insect violence

I told you that thing was a killer.


JD said...

the humanity... i can't watch

Courtney said...

So, either that's a huge cricket or that mantis is tiny!

And yes, we want to see some blogs about your kids and your house!

Juli said...

It's just a baby praying mantis so it is kinda small, but still deadly! :)