Monday, July 21, 2008

Praying Mantis Update

I think the praying mantis is protesting its captivity with a hunger strike. I started to feel bad for the little guy because he had no food and was stuck in a little plastic container (reverse Stockholm syndrome?) so I had Ben stick some of the large ants that have invaded our house into the container with him. Now, just so you know that my previously expressed fears weren't completely baseless, it did get out when we opened the lid. Luckily, praying mantises are bright green and not really fast moving so it was pretty easy to put back in its cage. But it still didn't seem to like the ants crawling around in there with him so Ben took out the ants, killed one of them, and put it back in the container. And there the dead ant has sat for 2 days. The praying mantis is either as picky as my 1 year old about what's for dinner or else it's decided to make a statement. I think we're going to have to give in to its demands and let it go soon. I don't think I'd make a very good president. Or superhero. I cave in to killer bugs/terrorists way too easily.


Camilla Millar said...

Poor guy!! Good luck with your mantis problem.

JD said...

looks like in the battle of wills, the paxtons are going to lose.

McBrides said...

I'll ask J what the poor mantis likes to eat. Come on Paxtons--have the mcbrides taught you nothing about bug care? We are now housing a cacoon & two creepy crickets.

McBrides said...

The bug man says have Ben catch grasshoppers or run to petsmart for crickets. Also keep a damp paper towel or sponge in the container for water. Since my last post, Jeremy came home with a big beautiful caterpillar that should eat its way to a monarch butterfly!

Ben said...

This is a baby mantis. A grasshopper would eat it.